AI-Driven UX Case Builder

July 30, 2023

Project Brief

UX Assistant automates the creation of structured UX/UI and product design case studies using AI technology. Designers can input insights through a multi-step form, and the platform generates cohesive case studies aligned with the UX methodologies.

The problem

Writing compelling UX/UI and product design case studies is a time-consuming and challenging process for designers, hampering effective communication of design decisions and limiting career opportunities.

The Goal

To provide designers with an automated platform that generates well-structured case studies based on user-provided, reducing the time-consuming of this task.





Product Designer, UX Engineer

Informal interview, UX research,Typeform, Figma, Spline

Own project

Jul 2023 - Currently


The Challenges of Writing

Writing a case study is neither an easy nor a short task. I have personally experienced it, and I've seen many others struggle with it as well. However, as Sarah Doody rightly expresses, 'When you can't articulate your design decisions, it will make your day-to-day role harder, because you won't know how to deal with pushback'. So, what exactly makes it challenging for designers to write their case studies?


After some informal interviews with other designers, the most difficult part is synthesizing the work done in an argumentative manner to explain the design decisions and managing the narrative in an engaging way simultaneously.

Upon further reflection, mastering this skill of effective writing is closely related to our communication ability. As explicitly stated: 'Developing skill in writing is a core competency to becoming an effective communicator and to a learner's ability to make meaningful claims, interpret sources, and express a personal perspective (Graham et al., 2013).


THe Point Of View 

As a UX/UI or product designer, I need a tool that help me to generates well-structured case studies using provided insights from specific questions. This will streamline the writing process, effectively cohesive my ideas within a framework.

There is a lot of writting tools incorporing ai usage

Considering the immense potential of AI as a content generation tools and the increasing adoption of AI in the creative process, and the evidence of more and more integrating AI capabilities into popular tools like Notion, Gmail, Slack for enhanced efficiency and smooth workflow integration, it becomes evident that leveraging AI more seamlessly for constructing our case studies is a natural progression. Embracing AI as a native element in this endeavor can significantly enhance our ability to communicate design decisions effectively. So, how can the utilization of AI improve the process of writing UX Study Cases?

  • Coherently organizing the abundance of ideas and data through AI-driven analysis.

  • Crafting precise and relevant questions to extract valuable insights, with AI-guided recommendations.

  • Fostering a dedicated platform to collaborate and refine ideas seamlessly, enabled by AI-driven collaboration features.

This comprehensive approach capitalizes on the synergistic relationship between AI and the creative process, empowering designers to embrace AI as a valuable ally in crafting impactful and persuasive case studies.


Unlock creativity to solve problems

Here, we have brought our vision to life by creating interactive prototypes that showcase key features and functionalities. It all begins with a straightforward flow sketch.

user flow

The concept revolves around allowing users to select the design methodology they prefer. Based on their choice, they will answer a multi-step form associated with each stage of the creative process. Additionally, users can upload images, files, or videos to complement the final write-up. After completing all the questions, they will have the opportunity to preview an editable draft of a cohesive version of their ideas, while still having our AI assistant available to ask any further questions.

The movie 'Her' served as a profound inspiration for me, particularly in selecting the colors and look and feel of the interface.

My inspiration


First approach to the UI

Based on the proposed flow, I have created screens for the prototype at different levels of fidelity and developed the design system.



Next steps and key Learnings

To ensure we capture valuable insights and feedback, I deployed a landing page to get all the interested users and some information. This iterative approach ensures that we continuously improve and refine our solution, making it more relevant and effective for the users.


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© Gitmel Gutierrez / Made with ❤️ in Next / 2023